Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chocolate hearts with blackberry

1. 1/2 C shredded coconut; 2. 3/4 C pitted dates; 3. 1/4-1/3 C cacao; 4. 1 table spoon of sesame seeds; 5. 1 tea spoon of coconut oil; 6. 1/2 C blackberry; 7. 1/4 C sunflower seeds or cashews; 7. 1 tea spoon of honey.

Preparation time: 35-40 minutes (plus 1 hour to freeze cookies), makes 2 servings
1. Process shredded coconut in food processor, add cocoa and sesame seeds and process again.
2. Add pitted dates and coconut oil, and process again.
3. Line shapes with plastic and put mixture into shapes.
4. Freeze cookies for 1 hour.
5. To make blackberry cream process seeds or cashews in food processor or blender, add honey and berries and process again.
6. Frost cookies with blackberry cream. Enjoy! 

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